Photographer’s eyes.
Ok, truth bomb. I suffer from anxiety. Most of the time it’s under control, but the past couple of days, I’ve been feeling panicky and highly anxious… rhyme nor reason. It just happens sometimes.
So I went for a walk. I took the doggies for a dander in the forest and hoped it would make me feel better.
When I began walking, nothing was changing. It wasn’t working. But then, I thought, ‘Open your photographer eyes…’, and something happened.
All of a sudden I started noticing the beautiful, crisp leaves on the ground, the sun coming through the trees and casting a gorgeous light over everything. A blue tit even landed on a branch beside me and stayed awhile.
But the one thing that made me stop and want to take a photo was the amount of little shoots popping up through the dead leaves. They were everywhere, bright green and brand new.
And it made me think that even in the darkest parts of our lives, we are still growing and evolving. We are just taking a little bit of time until were are ready to break through and meet the sun….just like those little shoots. I guess it helped put me at ease a little.
Being a photographer, for me, isn’t just about camera settings and posing. It’s about looking a bit deeper, seeing the beauty in everyday occurrences and bringing meaning to what some would describe as ‘mundane’.
So next time I feel anxious, I will definitely remember my photographer eyes help….even just for a little bit.